HerEveryday Directory

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Is ONE village really enough?!

It takes a village to raise ONE child, the saying goes, but what happens when the complete village around that one child, isn't so much of a great role model anymore? I've been seeing more-so of the parents being the children, than the actual child these days. Not to mention; some parents don't have the best fashion tips to offer either. Lately I've been finding myself pondering more and more about the future, and what's to come of it-and that is when I realized that if we think these little kids are 'grown' now, I am in no rush to see what they wil be like in the next generation! Will that be your child in the next generation? Will it be your best friends? Or your sisters? If so-what will you make of the time, that you think will make the difference with your child? What would you do different from these parents nowadays? Would you talk to your child about other topics than school work? If so, what would the topics be? In what way would you give your child advice, and nourish them with optimism? Let's play a game! I'll give a scenario every other day(cause I see so much thingsdone inappropriately), and you guys will let me know what could have been done differently, etc...
Whose up for the challenge?!

Monday, August 8, 2011


Raise of hands if you shop at the famous sephora! What do you get?! And what do you like about the product you get?! Every time I find myself cruising down fashion ave in nyc, i can't aid but to notice the beautiful bright lights of sephora. Sitting there...just trying to fathom what exactly is about sephora that attracts so much of my attention...i got nothing! Make-up isn't even apart of my daily regimen, so it isn't that. And it sure as hell isn't the what could it possibly be? I REALLY DO NOT KNOW! But enh..*shrugs* wayne says, "what's a world without enigma?!" One thing for sure, is that it possesses me, almost as if it wants me to buy something from there. And sadly-thinking of something to buy, to fulfill my urge, is thee farthest capability my brain will physically do. So what do you guys buy when you shop at sephora?! Do you get the urge as me? How long do you spend in sephora? Tell me everything! I wanna hear it all!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

My Leave-in Conditioner

Sooo after searching far and wide for the ingredients of my all natural leave-in conditioner; it is finally concocted. It contains:
-1 cup of purified water
-1/2 cup of aloe vera juice/gel/both->>adds true moisture to the hair strand, and protects from heat damage.
-1/2 cup of coconut milk->>great for rehyrating
-2tbp of vegetable glycerine->>well known humectant that attracts and binds water to themselves;  creates layer of oil over the hair strand.
-1tbsp of avacado oil->>its packed with vitamins a d and e, and contains more potassium than bananas. Quick way to get multiple nutrients onto your scalp for improved hair growth.
-20 drops of tea tree essential oil->>anti-septic, anti- fungal and antibacterial properties, it is a soothing remedy to a dry scalp. A little goes a long way.
-1/4tbsp jamaican black castor oil->>great for thickening dry, brittle thinning hair.
Now I concocted this formula for my own personal needs. I have dry hair and scalp, and my edges are constantly thinning throughout the different hair styles I get. I also have dry and brittle split-ends from time to time. This is why I intended to also inclue jojoba extract, but it is very rare to come by-however, I will add it as well if nd when I fnd it/decide to substitute jojoba oil instead. If you decide to give this a shot, please keep me posted on the process and progress! If you would like to fabricate your own natural hair products, I suggest researching the carrier oil properties, the use, benefits and side effects, as well as proportioning. Good Luck ;D